Saturday, April 14, 2012

8 Days of Salad

Just three more hours to go until the end Passover! Passover, the Jewish festival of freedom, is a festival free from bread, pasta, cereal and other leavened products made from grain. (The exception, of course, is matzah.) Thus, in Lizland, it is a festival of salads.

While I usually eat salad for lunch during the week, on weekends, I tend to mix it up a bit. Passover is an exception to my routine, where I've happily indulged in at least one salad per day for the past eight days.

I'm still figuring out this whole blogging thing, so I haven't yet written about any of my Passover salads. From reading other food blogs, I realize that I am supposed to write about kosher-for-Passover recipes before Passover. That way, the recipes can be used during the holiday. Thankfully, the salads I prepared over the last week can be made any time. For that matter, my salads rarely include foods, such as croutons, that would be prohibited during Passover, so most of the recipes on this blog will likely work for Passover.

Where to start? Naturally, with my favorite. Despite my self-proclaimed salad skills, I don't like every salad that I make--they are not all favorites! Even when I am not fond of a salad, I will usually eat it as I am not one to throw out food (except for the time I mixed up the garlic salt and the crushed red peppers when making dressing. . . that salad was just too salty to eat!).

This past week, I have been obsessed with feta and avocado. Both ingredients performed in starring roles in my lunch salads Tuesday through Friday.

In addition to one serving of feta and half an avocado cut into small chunks, each salad included:
  • 1/2 a head of Romaine
  • 3-4 sweet mini peppers
  • a generous handful of chopped broccoli.
Depending on the days, the salad may have also included:
  • 2 stalks of chopped celery
  • 3-4 chopped scallions.
I find that between the creaminess of the avocado and the saltiness of the feta, there is little need for dressing on this sort of salad. I used a few tablespoons of lemon juice to keep the avocado from browning but that's the closest I get to dressing.

By the way, this is first year I've had feta on Passover. My husband found a kosher-for-Passover Israeli brand, Tnuva, at our local kosher grocery. The feta was excellent! So much so, that my husband and I purchased a giant block of Tnuva feta from Costco earlier this week. Let's hope it keeps, or else the next few weeks are going to be full of feta salads!