Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thankful for Dessert!

Since it is Thanksgiving weekend, and I have consumed more than my fair share of calories, I decided to make dessert. I've already started digging myself into a caloric hole, so why not jump in belly first. On Monday, I will begin the digging out process.

A few weeks ago, I made a variation of Avalanche Bark for my husband. I subbed Cornflakes for Rice Krispies, since that is what I had in the house, used full size chocolate chips and cut the amount of white chocolate to about eight ounces. (Even I, a lover of all things white chocolate, was taken back by the idea of using an entire bag of white chocolate chips in a recipe with only nine servings. I also cut the bars smaller than Brown Eyed Baker recommends, so I got 16 servings out of the recipe.) The faux-Avalanche Bark turned out really well, so today, I wanted to try a mash-up of unhealthy granola bars, Avalanche Bark and Liz-style haystacks (instead of chow mein noodles + peanut butter + butterscotch chips + marshmallows, I use either crushed pretzels or Fiber One cereal).

Haystack Granola Bars
  • 1 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 1 cup crushed pretzels (measure before you crush)
  • 3/4 cup butterscotch chips
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup mini-marshmallows
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (would work well) with mini-chips
Microwave butterscotch chips and peanut butter in 30 second intervals, stirring in between each interval until melted. Combine pb-butterscotch mixture with oats and pretzels. After the mixture cools, add marshmallows and then chocolate chips. Once everything is mixed, flatten into an 8 x 8 pan. I lined mine with wax paper for easy removal. I also used a piece of wax paper to flatten the mixture into even bars. Refrigerate for an hour and then cut into bars. If you are like me and like small pieces, you ca get 16 bars out of the recipe.

Warning: they are a little bit crumbly. Thankfully, the crumbs still taste good!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I am thankful for. . .

Family and friends and health and. . . salads! Here's a round up of some of my favorite fall salads.

romaine, sauteed kale, roasted butternut squash, apples, feta, walnuts

romaine, black beans, sour dried cherries, peaches, carrots, almonds

same as above but swapped almonds for  Manchego

peaches, corn, black beans, carrots, Manchego, salsa, tortilla chips

turkey salad (with apples, celery and craisins) lettuce wraps

romaine, mozarella, apples, sour dried cherries, roasted brussel sprouts and broccoli

kale, roasted butternut squash, walnuts, feta