Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Salad Blogging Hiatus. . .

But not a hiatus for salad making or eating! So, where have I been? For the most part, I have been here in New York. (There was a brief interlude in Israel, but that story is for another post.)

I started this blog as a way to keep up my writing and keep busy. Well, it turns out I am busier than I thought. I have this vision of summer as relaxing and quiet: picnics in Central Park and summer Fridays capped with a visit to 16 Handles (more on my love affair with frozen yogurt another time). The last time I experienced my vision of summer may have been the last time I actually worked in a place that gave summer Fridays--and that was in 2006 and long before the magic of self-serve frozen yogurt on every corner in Manhattan! The last two summers have been particularly busy. In 2010, I went to summer school and got married. In 2011, I went to summer school, traveled out of state to several weddings and started a new job. This year, I have six weeks of work sandwiched between two international trips (one for work and one for me. I am not complaining.).

I know I just wrote a rambling paragraph about my busy summer, but you may be wondering what happened to the blog in April and May. I have no idea! As you will see in just a moment, I had the best of intentions about posting to this blog. In fact, I took several pictures and even started measuring out (some) ingredients to give more specific salad-making instructions. My last post before the hiatus was titled "8 Days of Salad." Yes, the title was an allusion to my carb-free Passover. But, I also intended to post eight salad recipes for Passover. Oh well!

The good news is that I keep making and eating salads! Nine out of ten times, I make my signature salad (I will write about this in the next post), but occasionally, other salads do sneak in there. One of my recent favorites included romaine, avocado, feta, grapes and broccoli stem. I plan to recreate that one soon and will make sure to take pictures next time.

Here are some other highlights from April and May while I was still regularly photographing my greens. . .and whites (a brief cabbage phase ensued):

The Cabbage Phase Salad.

 Don't forget the mangoes!


My favorite purchased lunch salad. I plan to recreate this on at home.

Lots of colorful peppers.

Tuna steak, broccoli slaw, rice noodles and peanut dressing. Yum!

Some sort of leftover mash-up with roasted sweet potatoes 
and Brussels sprouts, cabbage and London broil.